I Finally Released My Book

I couldn’t be more proud of myself. I can actually say that I am a publisher author and it’s a great feeling. I want to thank all of the people who gave me this opportunity and chance to do something good for the mental health community. If I am being one hundred percent honest it is a little surreal. I didn’t expect to ever become an author nor did I think I had what it took to write a book. I am more content with myself than I have been in my entire life. This a big accomplishment for me and there isn’t anything or anyone that can take this away from me. I went into Barnes & Noble and seeing my very own book on that shelf gave me a self sense of accomplishment for the most part. I get people asking about it all the time and I never get tired of explaining what it is I’ve written and why I decided to do it. I am currently working on getting a book signing done so that I can spread the word about my book more quickly. One thing I want to happen is more people read it to get a better understanding of what I go through everyday and still live my life as if I didn’t have a mental illness. I hope that if you decide to read a new book then check mine out which is titled “The Laid Back Schizophrenic” and you won’t be disappointed. I promise you will feel more relaxed about your own inner problems after you read.

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